Sunday, July 15, 2007

Moments captured in our minds...

There are just those great moments not captured on film but will imprint on our minds forever:
Such as when we sat down to dinner at the Chateau to eat pumpkin soup and Abie recognized one of the servers as a fellow soccer teammate on the Butte United team she and Melissa played for… Heather Evans!
Or the frozen country side at 8am as we drove on to our next destination, leaving The Chateau for Lake Taupo… white wonderland of frost!
Simply exhilarating moments on the river at the base of the Huka Falls in a Huka Jet boat… turning 360s that seemed to narrowly miss the cliffs, rocks, and branches. .. making even Shar scream!
A spontaneous performance by a young Scotsman playing his bag pipes on the bus back from the Maori Feast, getting everyone clapping.
Discovering Starbucks in downtown Rotorua a much needed taste of home because we have not taken well to the New Zealand strong and burnt tasting coffee.
Then there was the bus ride through the bush today, a retake of the ones I experienced in Uganda… narrow, bumpy, fast, scary, and comical thanks to Terry our great NZ bus driver.


Unknown said...

Dad and I are sitting here at bidwell perk. Great to here from you. Glad everything is going ok. It's neat that you met Heather. Dad says he's enjoying reading that book. We really miss you guys! Keep the blogs coming.
Dad and I

Scurry Around said...


Thanks for the comment. Yeah it was weird seeing Heather, but a nice surprise. We miss you guys a lot and can't wait to share more of our experiences. We love you!!!
Love Mom and I