Sunday, July 22, 2007

Exploring the rainforests and coast

Our last two days here in Cairns, Australia have been full and satisfying. The final planned adventure was excellent... a day and night wildlife spotting tour. Abie and I were set with our binoculars and spot light for the night. There is nothing as exciting as seeing a real wild animal, and we saw many... more than a couple dozen birds such as owls, Kookaburras, Kites, etc. When Abie spotted the tree Kangaroo was one of our highlights. We also saw a rare type of possum, a couple of Platypus, and a mob of Wallabys. Traipsing about in the dark, foggy night until 1am spotting wild life was a kick. Our final day was unplanned and taking a trip to the zoo was a must so we could see larger kangaroo and especially Koala bears. We also headed up the coast line and visited a small town, Port Douglas, for some more shopping and lunch at an Irish Pub while watching a rugby game. It has been MAJOR retail therepy these two weeks, being with Abie who has always expressed her love for others in gift giving... so be excited! We will summarize our highlight moments last of all. Tomorrow morning we head home. See you soon.

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